Illinois Amish Country Links

The Wood Loft - This is a link to our brick and mortar store located in Arthur, IL.  We have been in business at the same location for over 40 years supplying Amish custom crafted furniture to throusands of homes throughout the years.  We started out by dealing with just a few of the local Amish woodworkers but have now expanded to representing close to a hundred different Amish craftsmen from Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.

ACM Tours - This is a business that is located in the same building as The Wood Loft in downtown Arthur, IL.  They specialize is helping visitors to the Iliinois Amish country get the most of their visit to Arthur, IL.  They can help organize small tours for families or large tours for whole busloads.  They work with local Amish farmsteads to schedule in-home meals, tours of buggy shops and woodworking shops, and local farms that specialize in agriculture and livestock.  They also offer help in booking overnight stays in local hotels and bed & breakfasts.

Illinois Amish Country - The main site to check before you plan your visit to the Arthur, IL area.  This site offers a calendar of events for the different festivals as well as details of what festival offers.  They also keep an up to date list of the local businesses and provide a nice easy way to help plan your trip to the area.

Custom Gun Cabinets - A offshoot of our main store The Wood Loft.  Over the past couple decades we found a need for a website specializing in the different custom gun cabinets that we have done for different clients.  Everything from small single pistol wall displays to full gun rooms can be viewed to help you dream up your perfect display case.  We do show some of the "standard" gun cabinets on our gun page here on this website but if you need to truly customize your room or gun display cabinet this is the site to check out.

Arthur, IL - This site is dedicated to information about the town of Arthur, IL.  If you are thinking about stepping back from the rat race and relocating to the beautiful country town of Arthur this should be your first site to look through.  They offer links to  realtors, local landlords, utility information, and local government information.